Weather story graphics created with Maestro News

Boost viewer engagement and your broadcast production value

With so many live shows competing for viewers across a vast amount of network and cable TV channels, standing out from your competition is a huge challenge. With Maestro | News, you have the tools you need to captivate audiences, elevate your on-air look, and enable your teams to collaborate while reducing operational costs.

And now it’s even easier to bring Maestro | News into your broadcast workflow with different bundles that enable you to choose the best suite of solutions for your production needs and budget. Each bundle includes the same tools used by the world’s largest broadcasters to create high-resolution graphics, plus components needed to ensure seamless integration into your workflow.

Maestro | News bundles with Maestro | Engine

Compare Bundles Premium Premium Dual Channel Elite UHD
Maestro | News Controller software Included Included Included
Maestro | News PageEditor software Included Included Included
Maestro | Designer              Included Included Included
Maestro | Engine Manager monitoring software Included Included Included
Graphics rendering platform              Maestro | Engine (4 inputs) Maestro | Engine (two channels, 4 inputs per channel) Maestro | Engine 4K (16 inputs)
News Producer plugin & preview 15 licenses 15 licenses 15 licenses
News Producer MOS Gateway              1 license 1 license 1 license
Automation system driver for Maestro | News Included Included Included
Clip Player for Maestro | Engine              Included Included Included
Text Effects plugin license (for Maestro | Designer, Maestro | News, and Maestro | Engine)              Included Included Included
News Producer NLE plugin 15 licenses 15 licenses 15 licenses
Adobe After Effects Import Plugin Included Included Included
1-year support Included Included Included
System requirements
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer

Maestro | News bundles with Maestro | Engine and MediaCentral integration

Compare Bundles Maestro | News Premium with MediaCentral Maestro | News Premium Dual Channel with MediaCentral Maestro | News Elite 4K with MediaCentral
Maestro | News Controller software Included Included Included
Maestro | News PageEditor software Included Included Included
Maestro | Designer              Included Included Included
Maestro | Engine Manager monitoring software Included Included Included
Graphics rendering platform              Maestro | Engine (4 inputs) Maestro | Engine (two channels, 4 inputs per channel) Maestro | Engine 4K (16 inputs)
Maestro | News
MediaCentral services
Included Included Included
Maestro | News
MediaCentral Clients Package (supports up to 10 concurrent users)
Included Included Included
Maestro Render Server Preview for MediaCentral integration Included Included Included
Automation system driver for Maestro | News            Included Included Included
Clip Player for Maestro | Engine            Included Included Included
Text Effects plugin (for Maestro | Designer, Maestro | News, and Maestro | Engine) Included Included Included
Adobe After Effects Import Plugin Included Included Included
1-year support Included Included Included
System requirements
  • MediaCentral Server
  • Server hardware for Render Server
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer
  • MediaCentral Server
  • Server hardware for Render Server
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer
  • MediaCentral Server
  • Server hardware for Render Server
  • Server hardware for Maestro core components
  • Workstation hardware for Maestro | News Controller and Maestro | Designer

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