Les documents publiés ci-dessous sont les Conditions de vente pour les clients résidant en dehors des régions Amérique et Asie Pacifique.
Product Sales Terms and Conditions for use by customers outside of the Americas and Asia-Pacific Region excluding Germany. (PDF, 31,3 Ko)
Product Sales Terms and Conditions for use by customers in Germany. (PDF, 35,3 Ko)
Product Sales Terms and Conditions for use by customers outside of the Americas and Asia-Pacific Region excluding Germany (Français) (PDF, 33,7 Ko)
Product Sales Terms and Conditions for use by customers outside of the Americas and Asia-Pacific Region excluding Germany (Espagnol) (PDF, 32,6 Ko)
Product Sales Terms and Conditions for use by customers in Germany (Allemand) (PDF, 41,8 Ko)
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