PT301S6 Essential Pro Tools | S6 Mixing Techniques


Suggested length: One day (8 hours)


The Essential Pro Tools | S6 Mixing Techniques course covers the core concepts and skills students need to operate an Avid Pro Tools | S6 system in a professional production environment. This course builds on the information provided in the Pro Tools 200-level courses, and the material presented in this courseware which provides the foundation for the Pro Tools 310 | S6: Advanced Pro Tools | S6 Mixing Workflows courseware.

The components of the PT301 | S6 course includes five lessons provided in the course book, and hands-on practice with an instructor. This is the fifth course in a series designed to prepare candidates for Pro Tools Expert Certification in advanced control surface techniques.

Upon successful completion of the 300-level series Pro Tools | S6 courseware (PT301S6 and PT310S6), students will be eligible to take Avid’s Pro Tools Expert Certification exams.

This course will lead you through to Avid Certified Expert Pro Tools | S6 Certification.

Candidates wishing to take this certification exam must have firstly passed the Avid Certified User: Pro Tools certification exam as well as either the Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools | Music or Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools | Post certification exam.



This course is designed for moderately skilled control surface users looking to transfer their skillset to optimize the configuration and efficiency of a Pro Tools | S6 control surface.


Completion of the following courses and passing of the associated assessment and certification exams:

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you will:

  • Gain an in-depth overview of Pro Tools | S6 and technical integration/operation
  • Master basic navigation and session management techniques
  • Understand system customization and configuration
  • Work with panning, sends, inserts, and plugins
  • Learn expanded parameter control
  • Discover advanced session navigation through basic use of layouts
  • Be ready to sit the associated assessment exam

Table of contents


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