When it comes to creating memorable content faster, you need high-impact workflows with collaboration capabilities that incorporate the expertise of your entire production team. Avid offers the most comprehensive and fully scalable, end-to-end media workflow solutions that enable government agencies and public institutions to connect, collaborate, and create content quickly and easily.
Meeting the challenge
Avid offers a wide variety of end-to-end solutions for media teams to enable collaboration from anywhere, simplify workflow logistics, and maximize efficiency. These solutions minimize the time, cost, and stress of competing in today's demanding media production.
Accelerate workflows
Reduce costs
Enhance business agility
- Quickly create, collaborate, manage, and distribute a wider range of content for viewing on air, on websites, in mobile apps, and across social media channels
- Get the remote access, tools, and capabilities journalists and producers need to ingest media; create, view, and edit stories; browse rundowns; and distribute content efficiently
- Get the modularity and flexibility you need to customize a solution for your unique needs and workflows
- Accelerate and extend your reach with tools that provide better insight into your media and business, so you can capitalize on new opportunities
How it works
Our platforms serve as the dynamic nerve center of story creation, management, and distribution.
World-class Avid technologies
Asset Management
Systeme und Optionen zum Organisieren, Verfolgen und Maximieren des Nutzens von Medien
Software für die Musikproduktion für aufstrebende Künstler und Profis
Lösungen für Aufnahme, Bearbeitung und Abmischung zur praktischen Steuerung von Audio- und Videosoftware und -systemen
Avid S3
Steuern Sie mehrere DAWs umfassend über eine kompakte 16-Fader-Bedienoberfläche. -
Avid S6
Holen Sie sich moderne Mixing-Workflows und die bestmögliche Pro Tools-Integration durch eine modulare Bedienoberfläche
Ingest und Playout
Mehrkanal-Videoserver für nahezu sofortigen Turnaround von der Aufnahme zur Wiedergabe
Medien- und Workflow-Management
Beschleunigen Sie Workflows und Medienzugriff mit einer Sammlung von Workflow-Modulen, Apps, Services und Panels über eine einzige Oberfläche
Professionelle Medienproduktions- und Automatisierungstools für Nachrichtenjournalisten und -produzenten
Branchenbewährte Zentral- und Nearline-Speichersysteme für Audio- und Video-Workflows
Software und Hardware für professionelle Videobearbeitung
Avid Artist I/O
SD-, HD-, UHD-, 4K-, HDR- und Surround-Sound-Inhalte aufnehmen, überwachen und ausgeben mit den einzigartigen Benutzeroberflächen, die für professionelle Medienproduktion entwickelt wurden -
Media Composer
Erstellen Sie bessere Storys in kürzerer Zeit mit der Videobearbeitungs- und Finishingsoftware für unabhängige Editoren und Filmemacher
Leading the way to the cloud
Avid's preferred cloud-hosting platform is Microsoft Azure.
- Microsoft is the world’s top cloud computing vendor with unrivaled global reach and proven security
- Avid is the preferred platform for comprehensive media workflows
- Together, we bring game-changing innovation to the industry
Avid chose Microsoft as a strategic cloud partner because we have very similar philosophies about the role cloud will play in media and entertainment. Also, Microsoft Azure perfectly complements our unique cloud offerings as well as our customers’ current needs and preferences.
Avid MediaCentral platform
- Open media workflow platform
- End-to-end workflows
- Complete deployment flexibility
- Cloud Alliance partners
- Software-defined, tiered storage
- Singular focus on media and entertainment
Microsoft Azure
- Open cloud platform & strong partnerships
- Global scale
- High-level services
- Unique hybrid cloud strategy
- Most trusted and secure cloud
- Dedicated team for media and entertainment
See who our partners are
IngeSTore with the DNxHD license is Bluefish444's multi-channel ingest tool for Windows enabling the capture of up to 4 independent HD/SD-SDI sources simultaneously to Avid MXF Op-Atom Media. Bluefish444 is an Avid certified hardware partner for Media Composer -
Fans, reporters, celebrities, athletes, editors & citizen reporters: create, curate & distribute mobile video
FileCatalyst’s suite of client and server applications enable point to point accelerated file transfers at speeds of up to 10 Gbp -
Multi-res baseband and file-based ingesting to multiple destinations and Interplay | Production, MAM and MediaCentral -
File ingest, parking, retrieving, transforming and outgest of media and metadata across all your platforms -
Enterprise video transfer solution to send high quality video securely from any Internet connection
Make.TV Acquire
Acquire and manage live streams, upload videos for delivery, and communicate directly with live program contributors via chat or intercom -
Marquis Project Parking
The preferred choice for Avid NEXIS analysis, optimization and management, now managing over 60 Petabytes worldwide
Marquis Workspace Tools
Project aware disaster recovery and business continuity for Avid storage
MOG - mxfSPEEDRAIL Central Ingest
A simple and intuitive central ingest system that covers all production steps from ingest to delivery -
NLTek Archive
Archive / Restore content to / from LTO or Sony ODA right in MediaCentral | UX
NLTek Nearchive
Move content between high performance storage and nearline storage right in MediaCentral UX
ROOT6 ContentAgent
A Central hub to manage and automate all aspects of file-based workflow from ingest to delivery
SGL Flashnet
Flexible scalability for archive needs regardless of size and archival medium (disk, LTO, ODA, Cloud, or a combination)
Spectra Logic BlackPearl
Fully integrated archive managmenet and archival storage hardware libraries
StorageDNA DNAevolution
Workflow centric LTO/LTFS backup and archive capabilities
StorageDNA DNASync
Synchronize separate storage configurations over WAN to provide expanded access in multiple locations
The latest, high-performance storage and network connectivity products for Thunderbolt -
Save time and improve quality with a cloud-based, story-centric research tool
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