MediaCentral | Stream Partner Ecosystem

MediaCentral - Stream Partners

With a growing number of partner solutions qualified with MediaCentral | Stream and MediaCentral for IP contribution and playout, you have the flexibility to work with existing encoders, cameras, and mobile solutions your organization has already invested in. Any SRT-or RTMP-enabled device can contribute reliably and securely to your Avid production environment and any SRT-enabled device can receive playout from it using MediaCentral | Stream.

Avid-qualified MediaCentral | Stream partners

Company Protocol Supported Workflows
MediaCentral - Stream partner Haivision SRT Accepts incoming SRT streams from Haivision Makito encoders, Haivision gateway, or Haivision Hub in H.264 and H.265 formats
MediaCentral - Stream partner LiveU LRT>SRT Accepts LRT feeds coming into LiveU LU2000 or LU4000 units and is an SRT hand-off with LiveU Connector in H.264 and H.265 formats
MediaCentral - Stream partner Dejero RTMP Accepts RTMP feeds from any Dejero field unit in H.264 and H.265 formats 
MediaCentral - Stream partner Teradek SRT Accepts SRT streams from any Teradek encode device or routing service in H.264 and H.265 formats 
MediaCentral - Stream partner JVC SRT and RTMP Accepts streams from any SRT- or RTMP-enabled JVC camera or routing service in H.264 and H.265 formats
MediaCentral - Stream partner TVU SRT and RTMP Accepts streams from any SRT-or RTMP-enabled TVU field unit or routing service in H.264 and H.265 formats 
SONY-200x100 RTMP Accepts streams from any RTMP-enabled Sony Camera or XDCAM Air in H.264 and H.265 formats (note requires 3rd party svc like LTN in middle)
ZIXI-200x100 SRT Accepts streams from any SRT-or RTMP-enabled Zixi device (over 300 partner devices) or Zixi Broadcaster in H.264 and H.265 formats
Osprey-200x100 SRT Accepts streams from any SRT-or RTMP-enabled Osprey Video Talon field encoder in H.264 and H.265 formats

Partner Workflows


Configure a Matrox Monarch EDGE encoder for contribution


Send feeds from Sony wireless cameras to MediaCentral


Set up a Teradek Cube for contribution into MediaCentral


Hear how TVU remote packs can be used for live contribution


Configure Zixi’s ZEN Master for contribution to MediaCentral