录制的诀窍在于捕捉精彩表演的魅力。 活力四射的乐队。感情充沛的人声。您需要小心翼翼地将这一美好时刻记录下来。现在开始更深层次地 了解,让我们来听一些传奇艺术家讲述如何捕获音乐中的精华,当然,用好 Pro Tools 和 Carbon 乃是核心所在。

Recording the band


For Mojave Ghost, inspiration and creativity are captured in the Mojave Desert with Carbon.



对于多铂混音师和录音工程师 Bainz (Young Thug),音乐就是一种氛围 — 听听他是如何捕捉这种氛围的。



由鼓手兼制作人 Mike Avenaim 展示具体做法, 了解如何利用超低延迟帮助您在录制时捕捉到 合适的氛围。

Capturing creativity


Music visionary Beatie Wolfe shares why “keeping that sense of playfulness and wonder alive is vital” to your artistry.

Recording live performances


DJ/producer Deewaan and artist Luisa Santiago hit a groove as they record their track "Man in the Morning."

Explore all things Pro Tools | Carbon...

Rafters video thumb 852x532 

The Rafters discuss songwriting and achieving no-latency recording at home.


Jason Dasent video thumb 852x532 

Musician and producer Jason Dascent demos the NI Vintage Organs plugin included with Carbon.

Simon Sherbourne Thumb 

Learn how to produce electronic music using hardware drum machines and synths.


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