As consumer demand for ubiquitous content grows, media companies must adjust accordingly. This requires producing more content, in more formats, to be delivered to more devices, which puts a strain on storage and workflow capabilities.

Avid helps you meet the modern needs of content delivery with tools that help you store, manage, and deliver content effortlessly. Capitalize on new opportunities while leveraging your existing content, and keep your files safe and secure.



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Raycom sports teams up with Avid to deliver a multi-faceted fan experience



How Avid NEXIS scales specifically for your storage needs


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Meeting the challenge

Maximize your media operations, archival needs, and media distribution and delivery with solutions that give you mastery over your content.

  • Keep up with content demands more quickly by streamlining your media lifecycle management, from acquisition to final delivery
  • Solidify the link between media operations and business practices to make your operations more efficient and profitable than the competition
  • Offset growing operation costs and create new revenue streams by quickly searching through and repurposing existing content
  • Cater to different facilities’ needs by integrating Avid and third-party workflows into one platform
  • Unify remote and local facilities by enabling them to search for and access the same media and metadata
  • Simplify your processes and save time through such features as automation, multivendor integration, and managing transcodes and uploads in the background
  • React to the need for cost-effective global production by enabling remote workflows and collaboration
  • Keep files preserved, secure, and metadata-enriched, minimizing data loss and time and money spent on manual archiving and retrieving content
  • Respond to consumer demand for ubiquitous content by delivering content across multiple channels
  • Easily park projects and back up media in the cloud

Integrated Hardware & Software

Asset Management

Systems and options to organize, track, and maximize the value of your media

Avid On Demand Cloud Services and Solutions

Save time and money with a groundbreaking cloud-based service that boosts editorial efficiency.

  • MediaComposer_Overview_Main
    Avid | Edit On Demand

    Expand your post-production resources fast, whenever and wherever you need them with a full virtual production environment in the cloud—complete with cloud-optimized Media Composer | Ultimate software and Avid NEXIS storage.

MediaCentral Platform

Underlying technology and tools that unify workflows and access across the platform

  • MC_Monitor
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    MediaCentral | Cloud UX

Newsroom Management

Professional media production and automation tools for news journalists and producers


Industry-proven shared and nearline storage systems for audio and video workflows

  • Avid_NEXIS_Monitor
    Avid NEXIS
  • Placeholder
    Avid NEXIS | Cloudspaces

Video (NLE)

Professional video editing software and hardware


Enterprise Media Management Blogs

See the latest updates and tutorials at our blogs

MediaCentral Blogs

Discover how Avid MediaCentral can accelerate your workflow

Video: Empower Team Production with Avid NEXIS

Enhance collaboration and maximize production with online shared storage

MediaCentral Datasheet

Create better content faster, deliver to more outlets and devices, and maximize your media's value


借助 Avid 解决方案,泰国国家广播服务公司 (NBT) 与时俱进

Maestro | Virtual Set 在新闻和节目制作中用于录制和现场直播,使我们能够在工作室中复制真实场景。



RTVE Catalyuna upgraded its news production workflow with Avid Maestro Designer 1862 x 1040

RTVE Catalunya 释放全新的创意并利用 HD 吸引受众




WPLG Control Room 1862x1040

迈阿密分公司 WPLG 利用新的协作和虚拟化功能改造新闻工作流程

Avid 的产品为我们提供了新闻工作室和现场工作人员之间所需的无缝双向通信 - 现场工作人员可以访问工作室的工具,工作室可以将媒体内容推送给现场工作人员,并且现场工作人员可以执行选择并提取媒体内容。

